Tip: The next time your phone meets the above conditions, this feature will automatically activate again.

If you wish to override the battery protection feature and enable the phone to charge to 100%, tap on the ‘Charge to full’ link in the Settings app under “Battery” or restart your Pixel phone. You know that the feature is no longer active when the phone starts to charge to 100%. Tip: This feature is automatically deactivated when the phone no longer meets the conditions listed above. Wählen Sie aus verschiedenen Bildschirmauflösungen für alle Geräte. Personally, Id try rendering some of those classic Thief 1/2 poses (i.e., holding bow with a notched gas. Whlen Sie aus verschiedenen Bildschirmauflsungen fr alle Gerte. This only has pixel information from 0 to 115. When this feature is turned on, you will receive a notification that says “Protecting your battery.” A message that says “Charging optimized to protect your battery” is also displayed in the Settings app under Battery. Pixel 3 Thief-hintergrund 1080 X 2160 für Ihr Computer, Smartphone oder Tablet downloaden. Pixel 3 Thief-hintergrund 1080 X 2160 fr Ihr Computer, Smartphone oder Tablet downloaden. Continuous charging for more than several days.Continuous charging for more than a few hours under high temperatures.To protect your battery health and help extend its lifespan, your phone automatically limits charging to about 70%-80% under certain conditions, such as: